Romanian to English  translations - ATIO & CTTIC Romanian certified translator

in Romanian For the First Time
Newspaper article - Canadian Charter in Romanian

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Translated into Romanian

Article published on November 19, 2008 in "Faptu' Divers", the most popular Romanian language newspaper in Canada

On Saturday November 15th 2008, at the Romanian Orthodox All Saints Church of Toronto, was held the ceremony of presenting the first translation into Romanian of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The valuable document, translated for the first time ever into Romanian, was solemnly handed by Rev. Father Ioan Pop to Honourable Jim Karygiannis, Parliament of Canada MP for Scarborough - Agincourt.

The tens of Romanians in the audience applauded the unique event that allowed the Romanian Language to join the other 35 languages into which this fundamental Canadian document has already been translated. The initiative belongs to Honourable Jim Karygiannis who suggested its translation into Romanian to Rev. Father Ioan Pop, when he was invited to attend the parish dedication day for the All Saints Church of Toronto. Mr. Lucian Efanov, a Certified Translator, and the Organization of Christian Orthodox Youth of North America, represented by its Chairperson Ms. Teodora Ioana Pop have contributed to the translation, printing and distributing the Romanian version of the Charter.

Other participants to this ceremony included Mr. Doru Liciu, Vice-Consul at the General Consulate of Romania in Toronto, representatives of the Romanian language mass-media in Toronto, and other guests.

Photo (from left to right): Rev. Father Ioan Pop, Honourable Jim Karygiannis, Parliament of Canada MP for Scarborough - Agincourt and Mr. Doru Liciu, Vice-Consul at the General Consulate of Romania in Toronto.

[No. 4 - FAPTU’ DIVERS - The first Romanian weekly newspaper in Canada - November 19, 2008]
Specialized in translations for Ontario College of Teachers ~ Medical Council  ~ Professional Engineers of Ontario ~ Romanian Consulate | Embassy